Solution briefs

FSP 3000 open optical networking
The old model of a single supplier providing all optical networking components and selling a DWDM system as a closed solution is no longer fit for purpose. The age of future-proof optical infrastructure built on disaggregation, openness and SDN control is now here.
With its open and disaggregated architecture and an open commercial model, our FSP 3000 is the optical platform for this new era. It empowers users to evolve each part of their network at their own pace, without technology or vendor lock-ins.
Read our solution brief to discover more about the meaning of openness and disaggregation, and the benefits of extending SDN to the optical transport layer. Learn about the new challenges around system integration and network operations in multi-vendor environments, and the importance of standardization and vendor-independent trials. And read how our FSP 3000 open optical transport solution with Ensemble Controller software for management and domain control gives operators the choice of best-of-breed technology for each part of the network.