Software-defined networking
Get the most out of your network
Most networks today are intentionally provisioned at only 30-40% capacity. Wouldn’t you like to capture the additional 60-70% without major infrastructure investment? By extending software-defined networking (SDN) to the transport layer, you can. SDN, which enables switches to be virtualized along with storage and compute resources, is revolutionizing networking. And now transport resources are joining the fun. SDN allows all resources to be dynamically allocated under the supervision of a centralized control system.
Intelligently reducing infrastructure cost
Automatic allocation of network resources with our Mosaic solution optimizes network efficiency and minimizes the need for excessive capacity.

Extending SDN to the transport layer can more than double your network utilization
The cloud won't wait
In response to instant resource allocation in the cloud, our Mosaic network management technology transforms our scalable optical transport solution into an elastic, cloud-native infrastructure.

The bandwidth you need, when you need it
Why provision your transport networks for peak traffic if that traffic only exists for a few moments a day? Doesn’t it make more sense to schedule resources to fit demand cycles? With transport SDN, new links can be brought up and torn down again in less than a minute. What used to take weeks can now be done with the push of a button. This flexibility results in less over-provisioning and more bang for your buck.
Centralized coordination for maximum efficiency
Make better use of your network with the central knowledge base of our Mosaic network management solution for more efficient resource allocation.

Go with the flow
Stop fighting the tide of bandwidth demand and surf the waves instead. The majority of today’s traffic consists of higher-layer flows of packets such as over-the-top media. A single new Netflix release can bring an unprepared network to its knees. The solution? Centralized orchestration of all resources to optimize end-to-end, multi-layer data flows - something only possible with transport SDN. Remember, extending SDN to the transport layer can more than double your network utilization. Optical network abstraction enables simple integration into SDN-based environments and multi-layer coordination.
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